Sunday, January 30, 2011

More Mileage - Less Sleep

I'm going to give the credit to my high school running mentor, Coach Weinheimer. He was the one who said, "Recovery is just as important as the training." I think he was the one who said it, but that was 20 years ago. Even if he wasn't the author, I'm still going to give the credit to him because he deserves it.

When I learned I could run farther than others in gym class, I let my machismo for pounding the miles override any common sense about allowing for recovery. The past two decades have shown me some injuries that are sure to surface more regularly if I don't heed the advice above.

My older running friends tell me that with age comes a longer recovery for what ails you. I'd love to avoid the injury altogether, but know that's not likely.

This week, as I continue to increase my mileage in another 10% increment, I know that rest also must begin to increase, even if that only means going to bed when the majority of other lights on the street darken. Tonight, as I finish grading, the little ones are finally tucked in and and my wife has again gone to bed hoping I'd "be right along", I find myself again trying to justify a night of 6 hours sleep after another busy day.

Later this spring, when my weekend training runs approach 40 miles each day (I'm only at 40 per week now), I know that then I will surely need more rest. So why is it that I can't get myself to understand that I also need that rest now, as I build my miles? The body builds itself stronger through a clever process of breaking down and rebuilding. If the second half of that equation isn't present, it will only continue the first.

Let's all sleep on this.

By the way, had a great solo 13 miler yesterday. Got out before the sun was rising. Kept the pace slow and smooth. Tried to focus on relaxation. Before I knew it, more than 2 hours had passed and I had discovered a fantastic loop in Tempe and south Scottsdale. Not even winded!

Today I repeated last week's run with Clara in the stroller. There was much less wind and we again toured the zoo in our own unique buggy zip series lap. Not even time for kettle corn today as big sis Maia was about to have a birthday party. Felt a bit more tired from today's 11 miler but that's the whole plan, and 6 hours sleep last night surely played a part in that.

Click here for a picture of Sunday's Run


  1. Little tired today after my biggest week of running in awhile. Looking forward to resting up and hitting it again!
