Thursday, July 8, 2010

Homeward Bound IV

It will be strange to get on a plane tomorrow and not have to ask if the town 8 miles away has a gas station and a grain elevator. I also look forward to what happens to my legs once they get a few days rest. I imagine my mucles will freak out a bit. They already are actually, after my puny 13 miler today. Perhaps I can use this foundation for some race this fall. That's always the goal but a new school year and my desire to pick up the slack with parenting certainly competes for scheduling. I'll update a bit more after reality sets in. I've had loads of fun sharing these experiences with everyone through the internet and I hope you are looking forward to your next adventure as well.


  1. Your adventures are amazing! Keep at it. Thought you might be interested in an interview that Dean Karnazes did, which was published online today, at You'll see that he intends to run the American Discovery Trail in spring 2011, saying: "
    A lot of people don’t realize there’s this continuous footpath called the American Discovery Trail that goes from the West Coast to the East Coast, and literally the whole thing is on a trail. I want to finish in New York City, so I’ll use a lot of the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy network as well, which is old railway that’s been converted into trail systems. So it will be the first time anyone has done a cross-country run completely on trails." You might want to introduce yourself and your 1998 ADT run! Enjoy getting some rest.

    Gotta Run,

    Paul Staso

  2. So grateful that you are safely done with this latest adventure, Brian. You rock!!!

  3. Thanks for the heads up Paul. Some others pointed me towards that news as well. It's exciting that he may be promoting trails in the near future. If he goes through with his plans, it's possible that his route could be more off-road than mine, but I worry he won't have enough time to follow such a route if he's really only got 90-some days to do it. I'll be staying tuned in for sure. Thanks! Hope you're well. You've got some neat projects going on yourself!
