Sunday, July 4, 2010

off the lake part 3

easier but far more dangerous to hitch if you're female. But with that said, if in a recreation area, and there's a person with a backpack and they look like they talk with nouns AND verbs, they may be worthy of a ride. Keep your wits about you, yes. I think Kris did it right, she passed, turned around and before she opened her door, she asked what I was doing. If it doesn't add up, keep moving. Well, I was just starting to think Nebraska only had two good samaritans and I had already met both when a Buick pulled over. I'm often trying to determine if there is a breed of car that lends itself more to hitchhikers. There is not, unless you consider the state of the car or the space available, in which case, less is infinately better. I've crammed into an already full Pinto but I have yet to be taken in by a couple in a Winnebago. I leave conclusions to you. Inside the Buick was an older man, I would have guessed 72. I would have been wrong, 83. He drove me the full 20 miles into town..

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